Spinners Breed Study
Instructors: Theresa Bentz/S. Benson
We will look at 9 different breeds or fiber types. Fiber is supplied by our local fiber mill, Get Bentz Farms. We will examine and discuss the characteristics of each breed and how best to spin it to get a yarn we love.
Everyone should check out Theresa’s web site at www.getbentzfarm.com. She is doing some beautiful natural sock blends plus a whole lot more. I have been spinning some fiber from her recently and it’s like heaven!
Date: 3 Sessions, 3 hrs. each- Saturdays, March 12, 19, and 26th 9:00 AM- Noon
Description: Study the properties and characteristics of fiber from locally sourced breeds.
Session 1: Theresa Bentz will lead us through all the fiber we will be working with.
We will discuss each breed, how we might want to spin it, and spin it up.
Session 2: To ply or not to ply? We will discuss our plying options and ply (or not) the singles we spun the previous week.
Two ply from a center pull ball.
Chain ply (3 ply)
Discuss how to finish these yarns.
Session3: Sampling for projects
Bring your favorite tools and let’s make samples of our yarn. What will it be in its next life?
Session 1 - Spinning wheel or spindle.
Session 2 - Niddy Noddy
Session 3 - Knitting needles, Crochet hook, or small loom for sampling.
Prerequisite: some hand spinning experience needed.
Participants: 8
Cost: $ 80.00 for members / 100.00 for non-members (Cost includes fiber for spinning)
Register by email to:vlorang@gmail.comor susanneqpublic@gmail.com