Classes at Fiber Space are available to members and non-members alike. It is recommended students have their own loom for class, but limited rentals may be available. Please contact us at, with questions and to reserve your spot.
Inkle Weaving with Eleanor
Saturdays, August 13 & 20, 9:00AM - Noon

Students will learn to weave simple bands for trim on hats, bag handles, belts, and more, using an inkle loom. This two-day class will cover selecting a project, warping your loom, and beginning weaving your chosen project.
Materials: Students should bring three colors of 8/4 Cotton and an inkle loom.
No previous weaving experience is required. Class intended for ages high school to adult.
Class cost: $60 for members and $80 for non-members
email: to register.
Card Weaving with Marilyn
Saturday, August 27, 9:00AM - Noon

Create your own woven bands for trim on clothing or straps for belts and bag handles using an ancient form of weaving. Weaving with cards (or tablets) creates a warp- facing sturdy band, fragments of which have been found in the archeological record dating as far back as the 6th century BC.
You will learn a little history of card weaving, learn to thread the cards and begin weaving your own band.
No previous weaving experience required.
Materials: Please provide a light and a dark thin yarn that is strong and smooth to use as warp. 3/2 or 5/2 cotton works best, but other fibers can be used as long as they are tightly plied and smooth. Don’t use a stretchy yarn.
A package of 25 cards can be purchased from the instructor for $10.
Class intended for ages high school to adult. Must provide your own Inkle Loom.
Class cost: $ 45 for members and $ 60 for non-members
email: to register.
Beginning Rigid Heddle Weaving with Marilyn
Saturday, September 17, 9:00AM - Noon

Have you ever wanted to learn to weave but were intimidated by the size of a floor loom? Maybe you don't have space in your house for a large loom. If so, a rigid heddle tabletop loom might be right for you. This class will provide the basics of warping your loom, winding the shuttle, and basic weaving.
No previous weaving experience required.
Materials: Please bring your own rigid heddle loom, warping peg (if you have one), a shuttle, and two balls of strong yarn. Yarn can be contrasting, same color, or self-striping, your choice. Yarn must be a similar size to the holes in the rigid heddle. Also bring basic sewing tools such as a small scissors, measuring tape, and a tapestry needle.
Class cost: $ 45 for members and $60 for non-members.
email: to register.